▶ 休斯顿水质及饮水问题
家里有房或者准备买房的朋友,可以考虑安装 净水器和软水机。
净水器(filter):是过滤净化水的,净化用于饮用水~饮用、做饭什么的好一些,也有faucet filter(水龙头净水器)。
住在公寓的朋友,可以去超市或者网上看看滤水壶(filter pitcher),可以过滤水用于日常做饭饮用等~
还有卖大桶水的水公司,定期买水的话送hot&cold water cooler~ 如,Sparkletts公司。
另外,美国国家环境工作组的饮用水数据库(tap-water data base)可以查看您所在地区的水质情况~链接查看
News: 10 american cities with the worst drinking water
6. Houston (City of Houston Public Works)
Houston is the fourth-largest U.S. city. It gets its water from sources such as the Trinity River, the San Jacinto Rivers and Lake Houston. Texas conducted 22,083 water quality tests between 2004 and 2007 on Houston’s water supply, and found 18 chemicals that exceeded federal and state health guidelines, compared to the national average of four. Three chemicals exceeded EPA legal health standards, against the national average of 0.5 chemicals. A total of 46 pollutants were detected, compared to the national average of eight. The city water has contained illegal levels of alpha particles, a form of radiation. Similarly, haloacetic acids, from various disinfection byproducts, have been detected.
2014 年最近几个月,休斯敦的自来水据说味道大了很多,
官方调查给出了解释,没有什么大问题。。。 如下:
City of Houston: Water is safe to drink, use
The take-away? The city says they are safe and the water is fine to drink.
“If you went to a restaurant and the food they served you was rancid tasting, but they assured you it was safe, would that be OK? Is it right to be paying for something that is sub-quality?” said Shirley.
No one from public works would talk on camera, but they tell Local 2 the city’s responsibility is to meet federal and state standards and it is doing that.
The city says the naturally occurring compounds will naturally diminish with time and weather changes.
Public works says it has no built-in treatment remedies, but refrigerating a pitcher of tap water or using a water filtration system containing carbon are two ways to mitigate the smell and tastes of the compounds.
If the problem persists the city could use portable systems to remove the compounds.