▶ 肿瘤全外显子测序数据分析流程大放送
paper;https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4812767/a whole-exome sequencing (WES) study was performed in 161 NPC cases and 895 controls of Southern Chinese descent
We sequenced the blood samples from 161 NPC cases, including 39 EAO cases, 63 FH+ cases from 52 independent families, and 59 sporadic cases by WES and achieved an average coverage of 49-fold on target (range of 32- to 76-fold)
An additional 2,160 NPC cases and 2,433 healthy controls from Hong Kong were further examined for the selected candidate variants.
Whole-exome sequencing data for the early-age onset cases have been deposited in the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) database (accession ID SRA291701).
了解WES数据分析步骤:2016-A Survey of Computational Tools to Analyze and Interpret Whole Exome Sequencing Data
SRX445405 MALE NPC15 SRR1139956 NPC15F NO SRS540548 NPC15F-T SRX445406 MALE NPC15 SRR1139958 NPC15F NO SRS540549 NPC15F-N SRX445407 MALE NPC29 SRR1139966 NPC29F YES SRS540550 NPC29F-T SRX445408 MALE NPC29 SRR1139973 NPC29F YES SRS540551 NPC29F-N SRX445409 FEMALE NPC10 SRR1139999 NPC10F NO SRS540552 NPC10F-T SRX445410 FEMALE NPC10 SRR1140007 NPC10F NO SRS540553 NPC10F-N SRX445411 FEMALE NPC34 SRR1140015 NPC34F NO SRS540554 NPC34F-T SRX445412 FEMALE NPC34 SRR1140023 NPC34F NO SRS540555 NPC34F-N SRX445413 MALE NPC37 SRR1140044 NPC37F YES SRS540556 NPC37F-T SRX445414 MALE NPC37 SRR1140045 NPC37F YES SRS540557 NPC37F-N
cat npc.sra.txt | cut -f 4|while read id
do echo $id
wget -c ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/sra-instant/reads/ByStudy/sra/SRP/SRP035/SRP035573/$id/$id.sra
cat npc.sra.txt | while read id
echo ${array[3]}.sra ${array[7]}
~/biosoft/sratoolkit/sratoolkit.2.8.2-1-centos_linux64/bin/fastq-dump --gzip --split-3 -A \
${array[7]} ${array[3]}.sra
3.5G Aug 26 09:48 NPC10F-N_1.fastq.gz 3.6G Aug 26 09:48 NPC10F-N_2.fastq.gz 3.2G Aug 26 09:48 NPC10F-T_1.fastq.gz 3.3G Aug 26 09:48 NPC10F-T_2.fastq.gz 2.7G Aug 26 09:47 NPC15F-N_1.fastq.gz 2.8G Aug 26 09:47 NPC15F-N_2.fastq.gz 2.8G Aug 26 09:47 NPC15F-T_1.fastq.gz 2.9G Aug 26 09:47 NPC15F-T_2.fastq.gz 2.8G Aug 26 09:47 NPC29F-N_1.fastq.gz 2.9G Aug 26 09:47 NPC29F-N_2.fastq.gz 2.4G Aug 26 09:47 NPC29F-T_1.fastq.gz 2.5G Aug 26 09:47 NPC29F-T_2.fastq.gz 2.0G Aug 26 09:47 NPC34F-N_1.fastq.gz 2.0G Aug 26 09:47 NPC34F-N_2.fastq.gz 2.2G Aug 26 09:48 NPC34F-T_1.fastq.gz 2.3G Aug 26 09:48 NPC34F-T_2.fastq.gz 2.1G Aug 26 09:47 NPC37F-N_1.fastq.gz 2.1G Aug 26 09:47 NPC37F-N_2.fastq.gz 2.2G Aug 26 09:46 NPC37F-T_1.fastq.gz 2.2G Aug 26 09:46 NPC37F-T_2.fastq.gz
简单的走一下fastqc+multiqc 看看数据质量,一般都会很不错的,这个数据也不例外。
ls *.gz |xargs ~/biosoft/fastqc/FastQC/fastqc -o ./ -t 5
但是值得注意的是本文章中的测序reads的编码格式是phred+64 而不是传统的33
选用的是经典的GATK best practice的流程,代码如下:
module load java/1.8.0_91
## samtools and bwa are in the environment
## samtools Version: 1.3.1 (using htslib 1.3.1)
## bwa Version: 0.7.15-r1140
################ Step 1 : Alignment #################
start=$(date +%s.%N)
echo bwa `date`
bwa mem -t 5 -M -R "@RG\tID:$sample\tSM:$sample\tLB:WES\tPL:Illumina" $INDEX $fq1 $fq2 1>$sample.sam 2>/dev/null
echo bwa `date`
dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)
printf "Execution time for BWA : %.6f seconds" $dur
################ Step 2: Sort and Index #############
start=$(date +%s.%N)
echo SortSam `date`
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $PICARD SortSam SORT_ORDER=coordinate INPUT=$sample.sam OUTPUT=$sample.bam
samtools index $sample.bam
echo SortSam `date`
dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)
printf "Execution time for SortSam : %.6f seconds" $dur
rm $sample.sam
################ Step 3: Basic Statistics ###########
start=$(date +%s.%N)
echo stats `date`
samtools flagstat $sample.bam > ${sample}.alignment.flagstat
samtools stats $sample.bam > ${sample}.alignment.stat
echo plot-bamstats -p ${sample}_QC ${sample}.alignment.stat
echo stats `date`
dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)
printf "Execution time for Basic Statistics : %.6f seconds" $dur
####### Step 4: multiple filtering for bam files ####
start=$(date +%s.%N)
echo MarkDuplicates `date`
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $PICARD MarkDuplicates \
INPUT=$sample.bam OUTPUT=${sample}_marked.bam METRICS_FILE=$sample.metrics
echo MarkDuplicates `date`
dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)
printf "Execution time for MarkDuplicates : %.6f seconds" $dur
rm $sample.bam
start=$(date +%s.%N)
echo FixMateInfo `date`
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $PICARD FixMateInformation \
INPUT=${sample}_marked.bam OUTPUT=${sample}_marked_fixed.bam SO=coordinate
samtools index ${sample}_marked_fixed.bam
echo FixMateInfo `date`
dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)
printf "Execution time for FixMateInfo : %.6f seconds" $dur
rm ${sample}_marked.bam
####### Step 5: gatk process bam files ##############
### SplitNCigar ###
start=$(date +%s.%N)
echo SplitNCigar `date`
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T SplitNCigarReads \
-R $GENOME -I ${sample}_marked_fixed.bam -o ${sample}_marked_fixed_split.bam \
-rf ReassignOneMappingQuality -RMQF 255 -RMQT 60 -U ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS
## --fix_misencoded_quality_scores only if phred 64
echo SplitNCigar `date`
dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)
printf "Execution time for SplitNCigar : %.6f seconds" $dur
rm ${sample}_marked_fixed.bam
# rm ${sample}.sam ${sample}.bam ${sample}_marked.bam ${sample}_marked_fixed.bam
start=$(date +%s.%N)
echo RealignerTargetCreator `date`
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T RealignerTargetCreator \
-I ${sample}_marked_fixed_split.bam -R $GENOME -o ${sample}_target.intervals \
-known $Mills_indels -known $KG_indels -nt 5
echo RealignerTargetCreator `date`
dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)
printf "Execution time for RealignerTargetCreator : %.6f seconds" $dur
start=$(date +%s.%N)
echo IndelRealigner `date`
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T IndelRealigner \
-I ${sample}_marked_fixed_split.bam -R $GENOME -targetIntervals ${sample}_target.intervals \
-o ${sample}_realigned.bam -known $Mills_indels -known $KG_indels
echo IndelRealigner `date`
dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)
printf "Execution time for IndelRealigner : %.6f seconds" $dur
rm ${sample}_marked_fixed_split.bam
start=$(date +%s.%N)
echo BaseRecalibrator `date`
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T BaseRecalibrator \
-I ${sample}_realigned.bam -R $GENOME -o ${sample}_temp.table -knownSites $DBSNP
echo BaseRecalibrator `date`
dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)
printf "Execution time for BaseRecalibrator : %.6f seconds" $dur
start=$(date +%s.%N)
echo PrintReads `date`
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T PrintReads \
-R $GENOME -I ${sample}_realigned.bam -o ${sample}_recal.bam -BQSR ${sample}_temp.table
samtools index ${sample}_recal.bam
echo PrintReads `date`
dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)
printf "Execution time for PrintReads : %.6f seconds" $dur
rm ${sample}_realigned.bam
chmod uga=r ${sample}_recal.bam
############## Step 6: gatk call snp/indel##########
start=$(date +%s.%N)
echo HaplotypeCaller `date`
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T HaplotypeCaller \
-R $GENOME -I ${sample}_recal.bam --dbsnp $DBSNP \
-stand_emit_conf 10 -o ${sample}_raw.snps.indels.vcf
echo HaplotypeCaller `date`
dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)
printf "Execution time for HaplotypeCaller : %.6f seconds" $dur
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T SelectVariants -R $GENOME \
-selectType SNP \
-V ${sample}_raw.snps.indels.vcf -o ${sample}_raw_snps.vcf
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T SelectVariants -R $GENOME \
-selectType INDEL \
-V ${sample}_raw.snps.indels.vcf -o ${sample}_raw_indels.vcf
## for SNP
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T VariantFiltration -R $GENOME \
--filterExpression "QD < 2.0 || FS > 60.0 || MQ < 40.0 || MQRankSum < -12.5 || ReadPosRankSum < -8.0" \
--filterName "my_snp_filter" \
-V ${sample}_raw_snps.vcf -o ${sample}_filtered_snps.vcf
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T SelectVariants -R $GENOME \
--excludeFiltered \
-V ${sample}_filtered_snps.vcf -o ${sample}_filtered_PASS.snps.vcf
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T VariantEval -R $GENOME \
-eval ${sample}_filtered_PASS.snps.vcf -o ${sample}_filtered_PASS.snps.vcf.eval
## for INDEL
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T VariantFiltration -R $GENOME \
--filterExpression "QD < 2.0 || FS > 200.0 || ReadPosRankSum < -20.0" \
--filterName "my_indel_filter" \
-V ${sample}_raw_indels.vcf -o ${sample}_filtered_indels.vcf
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T SelectVariants -R $GENOME \
--excludeFiltered \
-V ${sample}_filtered_indels.vcf -o ${sample}_filtered_PASS.indels.vcf
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T VariantEval -R $GENOME \
-eval ${sample}_filtered_PASS.indels.vcf -o ${sample}_filtered_PASS.indels.vcf.eval
## bam文件的QC
bedtools coverage -hist -abam ${sample}.bam \
-b ~/annotation/CCDS/human/hg19_exon.bed >${sample}.exome.coverage.hist.txt
## 后面的几个质控,代码是我自己写的,所以大家可以不运行。
perl ~/scripts/calc_coverage_depth.pl ~/annotation/CCDS/human/CCDS.20110907.txt ${sample}.bam
7.7G Aug 26 19:22 NPC10F-N_marked_fixed.bam 7.7G Aug 26 22:59 NPC10F-N_marked_fixed_split.bam 7.7G Aug 26 23:57 NPC10F-N_realigned.bam 15G Aug 27 03:45 NPC10F-N_recal.bam 7.0G Aug 26 19:49 NPC10F-T_marked_fixed.bam 7.0G Aug 26 22:55 NPC10F-T_marked_fixed_split.bam 7.0G Aug 26 23:48 NPC10F-T_realigned.bam 13G Aug 27 03:12 NPC10F-T_recal.bam
82576 NPC10F-N_raw_indels.vcf 863243 NPC10F-N_raw_snps.vcf 945753 NPC10F-N_recal_raw.snps.indels.vcf 89604 NPC10F-T_raw_indels.vcf 819657 NPC10F-T_raw_snps.vcf 909190 NPC10F-T_recal_raw.snps.indels.vcf
# for NPC10F-N_1.fastq.gz NPC10F-N_2.fastq.gz NPC10F-N bwa Sat Aug 26 16:04:44 CST 2017 bwa Sat Aug 26 17:07:11 CST 2017 SortSam Sat Aug 26 17:07:11 CST 2017 SortSam Sat Aug 26 17:45:04 CST 2017 stats Sat Aug 26 17:45:04 CST 2017 plot-bamstats -p NPC10F-N_QC NPC10F-N.alignment.stat stats Sat Aug 26 17:56:07 CST 2017 MarkDuplicates Sat Aug 26 17:56:07 CST 2017 MarkDuplicates Sat Aug 26 18:40:25 CST 2017 FixMateInfo Sat Aug 26 18:40:25 CST 2017 FixMateInfo Sat Aug 26 19:26:39 CST 2017 SplitNCigar Sat Aug 26 22:20:48 CST 2017 SplitNCigar Sat Aug 26 22:59:32 CST 2017 RealignerTargetCreator Sat Aug 26 22:59:32 CST 2017 RealignerTargetCreator Sat Aug 26 23:17:35 CST 2017 IndelRealigner Sat Aug 26 23:17:35 CST 2017 IndelRealigner Sat Aug 26 23:57:35 CST 2017 BaseRecalibrator Sat Aug 26 23:57:35 CST 2017 BaseRecalibrator Sun Aug 27 01:27:39 CST 2017 PrintReads Sun Aug 27 01:27:39 CST 2017 PrintReads Sun Aug 27 03:52:03 CST 2017 #for NPC10F-T_1.fastq.gz NPC10F-T_2.fastq.gz NPC10F-T bwa Sat Aug 26 16:54:14 CST 2017 bwa Sat Aug 26 17:48:07 CST 2017 SortSam Sat Aug 26 17:48:07 CST 2017 SortSam Sat Aug 26 18:20:48 CST 2017 stats Sat Aug 26 18:20:48 CST 2017 plot-bamstats -p NPC10F-T_QC NPC10F-T.alignment.stat stats Sat Aug 26 18:30:45 CST 2017 MarkDuplicates Sat Aug 26 18:30:45 CST 2017 MarkDuplicates Sat Aug 26 19:11:40 CST 2017 FixMateInfo Sat Aug 26 19:11:40 CST 2017 FixMateInfo Sat Aug 26 19:52:37 CST 2017 SplitNCigar Sat Aug 26 22:20:54 CST 2017 SplitNCigar Sat Aug 26 22:55:53 CST 2017 RealignerTargetCreator Sat Aug 26 22:55:53 CST 2017 RealignerTargetCreator Sat Aug 26 23:14:19 CST 2017 IndelRealigner Sat Aug 26 23:14:19 CST 2017 IndelRealigner Sat Aug 26 23:48:43 CST 2017 BaseRecalibrator Sat Aug 26 23:48:43 CST 2017 BaseRecalibrator Sun Aug 27 01:10:26 CST 2017 PrintReads Sun Aug 27 01:10:26 CST 2017 PrintReads Sun Aug 27 03:18:33 CST 2017
## for NPC10F-N 32541594 2392028455 0.982188933530586 73.5068004044301 18711840 934414537 0.971564415370185 49.9370739061471 17075251 505674931 0.895198983425405 29.6144947444696 15656543 241509710 0.819070615186704 15.4254812189383 ## for NPC10F-T 32348763 2946257280 0.97636879840624 91.0778962398037 18182204 1054428864 0.94406442121146 57.9923569221861 16075260 555403212 0.842772759844003 34.5501853158207 14181528 265599059 0.741905340358179 18.7285219900141
然后走走somatic mutation calling流程
因为是配对数据,还可以走somatic mutation calling流程
################### Step : Run VarScan #############
normal_pileup="samtools mpileup -q 1 -f $reference $normal_bam";
tumor_pileup="samtools mpileup -q 1 -f $reference $tumor_bam";
# Next, issue a system call that pipes input from these commands into VarScan :
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar ~/biosoft/VarScan/VarScan.v2.3.9.jar \
somatic <($normal_pileup) <($tumor_pileup) $sample
java -jar ~/biosoft/VarScan/VarScan.v2.3.9.jar processSomatic $sample.snp
################### Step : Run Mutect2 #############
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -Xmx40g -jar $GATK -T MuTect2 \
-R $GENOME -I:tumor $tumor_bam -I:normal $normal_bam \
--dbsnp $DBSNP -o ${sample}-mutect2.vcf
################### Step : Run Muse#################
~/biosoft/muse/muse call -O $sample -f $reference $tumor_bam $normal_bam
~/biosoft/muse/muse sump -I ${sample}.MuSE.txt -E –O ${sample}.vcf –D $DBSNP
893539210 positions in tumor 891822458 positions shared in normal 79827518 had sufficient coverage for comparison 79718238 were called Reference 26 were mixed SNP-indel calls and filtered 102492 were called Germline 3703 were called LOH 2569 were called Somatic 490 were called Unknown 0 were called Variant Reading input from NPC10F.snp Opening output files: NPC10F.snp.Somatic NPC10F.snp.Germline NPC10F.snp.LOH 101352 VarScan calls processed 2342 were Somatic (556 high confidence) 95144 were Germline (4830 high confidence) 3502 were LOH (3484 high confidence)
这3个软件找到的somatic mutation可以互相对比一下,差异主要是在哪里,都值得自己去探究,这样最终确定的肿瘤外显子测序数据分析流程就更有把握。
conda install -c bioconda bedtools
conda install -c bioconda bwa
conda install -c bioconda samtools
cd ~/biosoft
mkdir sratoolkit && cd sratoolkit
wget https://ftp-trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/sdk/current/sratoolkit.current-centos_linux64.tar.gz
tar zxvf sratoolkit.current-centos_linux64.tar.gz
~/biosoft/sratoolkit/sratoolkit.2.8.2-1-centos_linux64/bin/fastdump -h
## https://sourceforge.net/projects/picard/
## https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard
cd ~/biosoft
mkdir picardtools && cd picardtools
wget http://ncu.dl.sourceforge.net/project/picard/picard-tools/1.119/picard-tools-1.119.zip
unzip picard-tools-1.119.zip
mkdir 2.9.2 && cd 2.9.2
wget https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard/releases/download/2.9.2/picard.jar
cd ~/biosoft
## https://sourceforge.net/projects/varscan/files/
## http://varscan.sourceforge.net/index.html
mkdir VarScan && cd VarScan
wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/varscan/files/VarScan.v2.3.9.jar
cd ~/biosoft
mkdir SnpEff && cd SnpEff
## http://snpeff.sourceforge.net/
## http://snpeff.sourceforge.net/SnpSift.html
## http://snpeff.sourceforge.net/SnpEff_manual.html
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/snpeff/files/snpEff_latest_core.zip
## java -jar snpEff.jar download GRCh37.75
## java -Xmx4G -jar snpEff.jar -i vcf -o vcf GRCh37.75 example.vcf > example_snpeff.vcf
unzip snpEff_latest_core.zip
转载自: http://www.bio-info-trainee.com/2735.html