▶ 【实例】告诉你怎么解决亚马逊购物纠纷,亲身体验,效率和效果都很好



1:点亚马逊的help–>> Need more help–>>Contact Us链接


2,在An order I placed栏目中找到你购买的商品,如果没看到,请点击Choose a Different Order 和 Load more orders. 继续找到有问题的那个商品。


4, 在Tell us more about your issue中选择Select an issue: More order Issues. 以及Select issue details:Other order question or issue. 之后将跳出新的对话框,How would you like to contact us?

5,在How would you like to contact us?选择你想与客服交流的方式,我选择的是Chat,就是和客服在线聊天。这个效率很高,一两分钟就回复了,5分钟就解决问题了。

Me:Hi amazon
You are now connected to AmazonService from Amazon.com
AmazonService:Hello ******** my name is AmazonService. I’m here to help you today.
Thank you for being a Prime member.
I have problem with a order
AmazonService:Sure, I will help you.
Please elaborate your concern.
Me:Order# 126-8*******-*******6
Please give me quick 2 minutes while I check that for you.
Me:I ordered this trainer, when it was deliveried to me, the package was badly damaged. When I assembled it, I found two parts are broken.
AmazonService:I’m sorry for the damage you had with the package.
I will help you.
Me:The damage just affect the looking of the trainer, but not the function.
I think I spent 3 hours to assemble it, I don’t want to send it back
I want to keep it, but for a damaged one, I don’t want pay the full price.
If you need the pictures, I can take pictures for you.
AmazonService:I do completely understand your concern.
In this case, I can help you with the refund of 20% of the item cost.
Is that fine with you?
Me:ok. That is what I want
AmazonService:I can see that the refund of 20% of the item cost is $75.99.
Is that fine with you?
Thanks for your help.
I am happy with amazon now:)
AmazonService:I have issued the refund of $75.99 to your card and you will see the refund within 3-5 business days.
My pleasure:)
AmazonService:Would you like me to check anything else for you?
Me:No more, for all other things I had great experiences
Thanks have a great day. Bye.
AmazonService:It was a pleasure assisting you today! We look forward to seeing you again soon. If there is anything else I can help with, let me know. Otherwise, you can click the *End Chat* button on the top right corner of this window.
Have a great day!
Take care.




作者:Cavin Ma 休斯顿•易生活网 站长

作者:Cavin Ma 休斯顿•易生活网 站长

来自哈尔滨,自2009年来休斯顿工作和生活。曾经久居医学中心7年之久,现定居Pearland梨城,熟知地产行情,太太是这两地经验丰富的地产经纪人。从一个人怀揣三千美金来美国,到现在全家四口买房定居,深知来美国打拼之艰辛。把自己在美国生活的经验和感受总结成“休斯顿•易生活网”,希望能够对华人朋友有所帮助。我做过博后,DIY过EB1A绿卡爱烧烤爱钓鱼钓螃蟹懂房地产爱网购,爱总结回国礼物,对美国保健品也有相当的研究。有事您找我:咨询房地产微信:wull_123, 其他业务微信:wecareshare    邮箱 ezthelife@gmai.com

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